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Quick review of Live 'Metal air battery-emergency power supply'

Publish Time: 2021-09-18     Origin: Site

Thanks for everyone who participated our Live of "Metal air battery- emergency power supply"on 

Sep.17 th.

For the new guys who missed that here's the playback link

Following is a brief conclusion for you quick review.

We have introduced total five ready to ship products they are: 

1. Salt water lamp 

2. 2W Aluminum air brine lamp 

3. Aluminum air brine Lamp

  It is a good tool for outdoor camping, we have took it with us this team building.

This is our most popular product for its multi-function: 1. lighting 2. Charging mobile phone. 

We use it illuminate the road in the darkness, light up our team partner who give us a show in the game by beach.

What's more, we get some positive feedback from our clients in India. Below is the video.

4. Mini size yellow Magnesium emergency lamp

5. Emergency lamp: Blue Magnesium air battery+ Lamp cap


 In the end, a catchy operation formula for you: For Aluminum air battery, give them salt water. For Magnesium air battery, give them water:)