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Reduce energy waste

Views: 6     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-10-29      Origin: Site


According to the data, in 2018, the total amount of abandoned water, wind and light was about 69.1 billion kwh, 27.7 billion kWh and 5.49 billion kwh, respectively. The total amount of "three abandoned" electricity was around 102.3 billion kwh, exceeding the power generation of the Three Gorges power station in the same period. So much electric energy is wasted. Is there any way to reduce this waste?

Yes, energy storage. At present, many enterprises have begun to use water energy storage, hydrogen energy storage or lithium battery energy storage. In fact, there is another emerging energy storage method - metal energy storage. Waste electricity is used to make electrolytic aluminum, which is made into high-purity aluminum plate, and then the stored electric energy is released through aluminum air battery to meet the energy demand without power supply in emergency, outdoor and disaster relief. Reactants can also be recycled. This method is now being accepted by more and more governments, institutions and families.

Trumony energy, We are committed to providing aluminum air batteries in batches to meet people's demand for waste power and energy storage.


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